Autumn 2
This half term our focus area of the curriculum is 'Place and Time'. Our topic is called 'Look at us Glow'. We will be learning about different celebrations and festivals around the world.
Our Christian value this half term is 'Peace' and our learning is embedded around this theme.
Jigsaw PSHE
This half term the whole school's jigsaw puzzle piece is 'Celebrating differences'. The children in EYFS will be learning about the similarities and differences between people and how they make us unique and special. The children will also learn about friendship and understand that is it okay to be different.
Key Vocabulary includes:
Similarity, same as, different from, difference, unfair, celebrations, special, unique, kind, unkind
Please remember to check Tapestry regularly for photos, ideas and conversations starters about the children's learning. As always, please feel free to add any relevant learning to their journal - we love to see what they get up to at home!
Communication, Literacy and Language
Our key text this half term is 'Little Glow' by Katie Sahota
Key vocabulary:
Cosmic, billowing, glimmering, whilst, shimmer, inspires, mythical, special, magical, beams
We use NCTEM Mastering Number & White Rose Maths to support our learning
This half term, we will be continuing to consolidate our knowledge and understanding of numbers 1-5.
Below, please find some key information for this half term:
Drop off and pick up times:
Our gate opens at 8.45am for morning drop off, and closes at 8:55am, ready for registration. Children are to come through the gate independently, and place their belongings on the snack trolley and their boxes. Our gate opens for pick up at 3.05pm, where you will be invited into our outside area in small groups and the children will be dismissed accordingly. Please note, the gate will close at 3.15pm, and all children need to be collected by this time.
Snack and drink:
Please ensure your child brings a healthy snack to school each day (fruit, vegetables, etc), as well as water in a refillable drinks bottle. (This must be water unless agreed with the class teacher, in line with school policy). A reminder that we are a NUT FREE school.
Please ensure children are bringing their bookbag into school each day, with their reading books and reading diary inside. No children in Reception or KS1, should be bringing in a rucksack. Please ensure no other items, especially toys, are not being brought into school.
The children will have PE on a Thursday and should come to school wearing their PE kit. this half term Mrs Shimmin will be leading these sessions
Specialist Provision:
This half term, the children will have Music & French lessons on a Thursday with our specialist provision teachers.
Outdoor Learning:
Please ensure children have an outdoor coat and wellies in school at all times. These can be stored on the welly racks outside the classrooms.
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Edmunds & Mrs Pailing