Diversity and Equality
We are diversity champions! We are proud that West Monkton CE VC Primary School has been certified by the equality charity Stonewall (www.stonewall.org.uk) as a ‘School Champion’ in recognition of our ongoing work to promote dignity, diversity, respect and tolerance.
At West Monkton, we aim to celebrate diversity within our school community and wider world. We are a fully inclusive school, recognising our responsibilities under the Equalities Act 2010.
Through our values driven curriculum, we aim to support children developing their own identity and becoming courageous advocates. We pledge to offer a range of experiences, through our wider curriculum including our RE and RSHE curriculum. We also provide pastoral support for those who it will benefit.
In our curriculum all children are exposed to:
- School values
- British Values
- RE
- Christian celebrations
- RSHE curriculum
- Themed celebration/remembrance days
- responsive reflection and learning about current local/national/international events