Year Four
Welcome to Year 4's Class Page!
Red Kite class Teacher: Miss Steele | Crane class Teacher: Miss Thompson |
Our topic this half term has a Science and Technology theme of 'States of Matter'.
The children will compare and group materials based on whether they are solid, liquid and gas, describing the differences between them. We will investigate materials as they change state when they are heated or cooled. We will also complete a melting investigation. We will focus on the water cycle and complete an investigation on evaporation.
Communication, Language and Literacy
This half term, children will study a book, 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' in CLL. We will be producing a newspaper report. The children will also be writing a persuasive letter to Mr Wonka to keep the factory open.
In Maths, our first focus will be Multiplication and Division, where we will focus on factor pairs, multiplying by 10 and 100 and dividing by 10 and 100. We will also be multiply and dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. Our second focus will be Length and Perimeter, where we will focus on calculating the perimeter of rectilinear shapes. We will also continue to build our fluency in our times tables, completing our times table tests twice a day. We ask that you support us with this by continuing to practise times tables at home.
- Daily reading (x5 weekly)
- Times tables (this will be set weekly now in readiness for the Multiplication Check in June). Please ensure that your child is accessing TT Rockstars daily, it will be extremely beneficial for their upcoming assessment and their mathematics lessons.
- Weekly spellings
Homework and spellings will be set on a Friday and due in the following Friday.
This half term your PE day will be a Monday, please arrive dressed in school PE kit.
Swimming will take place on a Thursday.