Kestrels' Class Story
7.1.25- 10.1.25
We have now written our first Greek myth! We are impressed by the efforts and below is a great example. You'll notice lots of purple pen, this shows how pupils edit their writing. It is celebrated as the writing process: plan, draft, edit, re-draft then finally publish.
Pupils have been very busy writing character and setting descriptions. They have been introduced to the technique of, 'Show not tell'. Do ask them about this. They have also been using relative clauses, expanded noun phrases and attempting to use a wider range of conjunctions.
Here are some of their wonderful descriptive sentences:
Festival of Sport June 23
Summer Poetry Read
Stunning Starter - Spring 2!
Maths WC 30.1.23
CLL WC 30.1.23
Extreme Earth W/C 23.1.23
CLL W/C 23.1.23
Maths W/C 16.1.23
CLL 'Embed' stage: W/C 16.1.23
Geograhy topic Spring 1: 'Extreme Earth'.
CLL Engage stage: 'What can I do?' w/c 9.1.23
New maths topic: Fractions. W/c 4th January.
Week commencing 4th January. New topic: Politics!
Downloadable homework 4.11.22
Year 6 Homework 4th November 2022
Ancient Greek Writing
We all enjoyed our "Troy Story" play in a day on Tuesday, which has led us smoothly into our new topic, Ancient and Modern Greece.
Homework this week will be an exploration of the Ancient Greek alphabet and an opportunity to do some self-directed research into the amazing world of Greek Mythology.
We are all very keen to see how you all get on!
This worksheet has been sent home, but we have added it as a download just above this as well.