Year Two
Welcome to Year 2!
Welcome to Year 2! All the staff hope you had a wonderful summer and that the children got to enjoy some of our British sunshine! We are very excited to start our new academic year! This year, Robin class will be taught by Mrs Lloyd on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and then Mrs Sgorlon on a Thursday and Friday. Mrs Manning will teach Puffins.
Some information you may find useful:
- PE is on Wednesday. Children need to come to school dressed in their PE kit & wearing trainers. We will aim to use the outdoor space when we can so a pair of jogging bottoms and a school jumper or hoodie would be a good idea!
- Children need a named drinks bottle in school to allow them to access water throughout the day. Please make sure drinks bottles have water in them and not juice.
- All jumpers, school uniform and PE kit must be named. Please check your child's clothing has a clear name in it as it makes it so much easier to return items to them.
- Children need to make sure their book bags are in school every day, again with their name clearly printed.
- The children need to have waterproof coats in school every day as we get into the wetter and colder weather. If they do not have a coat to put on when it is raining they may not be allowed out to play. Please also ensure your child has a named pair of wellies in school so that we may allow them onto the grassed area and keep school shoes in nice condition.
Our Learning:
Our topic this half term has a science theme of 'Animals and their habitats.'
In CLL we will be learning how to write a set of clear instructions and we will be using the book below as inspiration which will include a few trips into our Forest School area!
In Geography we will be studying the unit 'Hot and Cold places.' Children will be introduced to the basic concept of climate zones and mapping out hot and cold places globally. Children will learn to compare weather and features in our local area, will discover the four compass points and their uses and will learn the names and location of the world's continents.
Our first maths unit will focus on Number and Place Value. Within this, children will focus on numbers within 100, thinking carefully about their order, value and comparisons with other numbers. Children will use a range of practical resources to support their learning and will develop their counting skills, including counting in 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s.
In PSHE our theme is 'Being Me!' Learning intentions will include:
- To identify some of my hopes and fears for this school year.
- To understand the rights and responsibilities of being a member of my class and school.
- To listen to others views and share my own ideas about rights and consequences.
- To understand how following our class charter will help myself and others around me.
- To recognise the choices I make and the consequences they bring.
Sharing and celebrating learning:
Tapestry will be the main platform that is used to share learning with you, so please check Tapestry regularly where you can view photos and see what has been happening in the classroom. This is a great way to start conversation and celebrate your child's achievements with them. Teachers may also choose to share learning and positive messages via our West Monkton Facebook page and school website.
Useful information and reminders:
Drop offs and pick up times:
The KS1 gate will be open from 8.45am, and the school day will begin at 8.55am for all pupils. After this time the gate will be closed.
The end of the school day will be at 3.15pm for KS1.
Children should enter and leave through the KS1 gate beside the BACHS centre. Parents/carers may come onto the school playground but we ask that parents/carers do not come into the cloakroom or classrooms as this is a very busy area with limited space. As we are sure you can appreciate, the beginning and end of the school day is a very busy time for teachers. If you wish to speak to the class teacher and it is not immediately urgent, please contact the school office and arrange a scheduled appointment with your child's class teacher. You are also welcome to send an email or leave a voicemail message to our office.
School equipment needed from home:
Children may continue to bring a WM bookbag to school (not rucksacks). Please remember, children should not be bringing pencil cases, toys (including fidgits), cards etc to school. Please ensure children have an outdoor coat and wellies in school at all times. Children will also need a fruit/veg snack for Monday-Thursday break time and a small treat (e.g. 2 finger kit kat or cup cake) for Friday break time. They will also need a named drink bottle for water each day.
We are very much looking forward to spending the next part of your child's school journey with them this year.
Best wishes,
Mrs Lloyd, Mrs Sgorlon and Mrs Manning