Chaos in the Cloakroom!
1. What is your opinion on cloakroom management?
“The cloakroom monitors don't have time to help tidy up.” -Bianka,Y3.
2. Do your cloakrooms get crowded? When?
“They mostly get crowded around the first bell at lunch.”-Bianka,Y3
3. Do your belongings fall off your peg?
“Yes some pegs are broken, there should be more space.”-Bianka,Y3.
4. Do other children walk on your things?
“Yes but only accidentally.”-Gabby,Y2.
5. Do your things get moved during the day?
“No but it did happen once.”-Gabby,Y2.
This will be taken to the school council and they will think about ways to make the cloakrooms better.