Sports Day Success!
West Monkton’s annual Festival of Sport was held recently (23/6/22-24/6/22), and was thought to have been extremely successful.
The competition was held on the KS2 field, with its freshly painted track. On Thursday, KS1 competed against each other, and Key Stage Two the next day. Both mornings were full of sporting activities, from the long jump all the way to the javelin throw. After lunchtime on both days the parent audience came into school to watch their children. Noodles Mrs Whippy ice-cream van was on school premises to wrap up the two sensational days of sport. There were 4 teams; Emerald (green), Diamond (yellow), Ruby (red), and Sapphire (blue). The winning team was announced on Monday 27th of June in assembly. In 4th place was…
In 3rd place was…
In 2nd place was…
And finally, in 1st place was…
Congratulations to everyone who competed in Sportsday!!
What did you enjoy the most about our Festival of Sport?